Baby Naming Ceremony Purpose
A baby naming ceremony is held to celebrate a new baby’s arrival and naming. The naming ceremony is often held at around the same time as the baby’s first birthday party.
A naming ceremony is not a legal ceremony and is not usually religious. It is performed by celebrants. It is a ceremony of love and gratitude for the new addition to your family and celebrates the miracle of life, birth, love, and cherished.
What Happens at a Naming Ceremony?
Naming ceremonies are usually in the form of a party, with a cake, refreshments, music, decorations, and themes. Celebrants perform an official naming service for your baby. The service is usually fun, cute, and creative.
Outline of the Structure of the Ceremony
Announcements and Introductions.
The Welcome – I welcome family and friends.
Words about the event being observed - can be done in many ways and certainly something for discussion.
After discussions with you, I talk about what this ceremony means to you both and your families and some brief words about you and your new baby e.g. how this baby has changed your family, your hopes and dreams for this new baby and any stories you would like to share.
Reading – any poems/readings you may wish to use. Usually a family member or friend is asked to complete this section.
The Asking – you get the opportunity to say ‘we are committed to bringing up this new little person according to our family values’.
Promises– this is an opportunity for you and the family to confirm promises going forward.
The Pronouncing – This is a very important part of the ceremony as this is where I pronounce and confirm your baby’s name.
Signing of the certificate – we can construct these.
Optional Ritual Section – you may wish to include any cultural or family ritual in this section of the ceremony. We can discuss this and agree.
Conclusion – I will conclude the ceremony and announce any further details you wish your guests to know.
Summing up or Blessing – I will close with a few words to close.
Congratulations and presentation to family and friends.
Celebration continues - Party/Cake etc.
Things I need to know about you
1. Your family background – how many children do you have?
2. What other family members will be involved in the ceremony?
3. What rituals would you like to include in the ceremony?
4. What is something that you might like to share with the guests that they may not know?